Years of life experience translate into plots, calamities, and happily-ever-afters as she writes her inspirational and romantic stories about fictional people who seem so real, you’ll want to know what happens after the book ends!

As Ally and Gavin slowly explore their growing attraction, they help each other fight fires, endure raging storms, and share a few passionate kisses. But there’s more than fires to fight when Ally’s grandfather disapproves of their budding romance and Ally is convinced Gavin has a girlfriend in the wings…a girlfriend expecting his baby!
Ride along as the two unlikely innkeepers figure out how they fit in their new life and learn the lesson taught by the Daisies in the Driveway.
“You got out of bed way too fast,” he
whispered as he pushed her toward the sink, nuzzling her neck.
“If I had stayed, we would have been
there for another half hour at least.”
“So?” Gavin lifted his head.
“I’ve got to start breakfast. There’s
a mass of people to feed.”
“They can fend for themselves.” He
kissed her neck.
Ally laughed softly. It wasn’t true,
but it sounded fun. She spun in his arms and gave him an extra-long good
morning kiss.
“Ahem.” A voice cleared.
Startled, they jumped apart and stared
at the kitchen cabinets near the pantry where stood the two people they had
hoped were still safely tucked away in their new house in town.
Gavin and Ally spoke at the same time,
moving further away from each other as the two elderly people stared them down,
a package of flour held so tight in Oliver’s hands, Ally was sure the light
powder would be cascading onto the floor in mere moments.
Oliver’s red face reminded Ally of a
pomegranate and she had an almost uncontrollable urge to giggle. “What’s been
going on here?” he growled.
“It’s not what you think,” Ally said.
Gavin linked their hands and she wasn’t sure if that gave her courage or
condemned her. The action certainly wasn’t overlooked by either Oliver or
Ronnie. Ally was surprised Ronnie hadn’t said something yet. Maybe they had
finally found a way to leave her speechless. Ugh.
“I think you two have filled the house
beyond capacity, and made yourselves comfortable upstairs in the attic, in the
same bed, and there’s a lot more to your relationship than business partners.”
“Maybe it is what you think.” Ally
“Gavin Tyrone Hunt!” Ronnie had found
her voice and Ally worried she’d wake the entire house. “I thought you were
raised better than that.”
“I was,” he said. “I mean, nothing
“Are you saying you didn’t sleep with
Allison?” her cold voice didn’t waver, but at least the volume had lowered.
“No. Yes. No.” Gavin’s face was
turning an impressive shade of red and Ally waited to see how he would get out
of that one. “I mean, yes, we slept together, but that’s all we did—sleep.”
Oliver straightened, all five foot,
ten inches of him and glared at Gavin. “And you expect us to believe that,
especially after witnessing your little exchange just now?”
Ally swallowed hard, guilty for what
could have happened, not what did. “Yes!” she said emphatically.
“Well, you’re going to have to do better
than a simple yes.”
Gavin rubbed his jaw and headed for
the back door. “I don’t have to take this. I’m a grown man. She’s a grown
woman. And you’re not my father!” In a moment, Gavin was gone, leaving Ally
with the two grandparents and a lot of explaining to do.
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