Alison is the author of the White Rose series and the New London books,
and is a member of the Australian Crime Writers Association.
She has served in
both the Australian Army Reserve and the Royal Australian Air Force, and now
lives in Tasmania with her family.
Alison is a self-confessed stationery
junkie, loves forests, and drinks too much tea.
Connect with the Author here:
Have you ever enraged a murderer?

When Nell is attacked after a body is pulled from the local
river, two investigations swing into motion, with no obvious link between them.
The killer plots to keep the cases separate and conceal the damning secrets
from his past that would lead to a connection, and his demise.
As his attempts to complete the cover-up fail, his
frustration and rage turn toward the person who stands in his way.
The redhead shrink.

Q&A With The Author:
Tell us about things you enjoy – what do you do
for fun or personal satisfaction besides writing?
love to visit the botanical gardens in the city where I live. My favourite
section of the garden is the woodlands, which is full of trees from around the
world. It’s beautiful at any time of the year and I find it relaxing and
uplifting to spend time with nature.
What is the thing you struggle with the most
while writing? And how do you defeat it?
have a tendency to spend time too much time going through scenes in my head
before writing them – otherwise known as daydreaming. I have to force myself
back to earth and to my desk – it’s all about will power!
What are your future projects?
the moment I’m editing the third and final book of the New London series (Seeing Red is the first) and then I’ll
be writing a book based around motorsport. I also have another manuscript
waiting to be edited. Plenty to do!
What is the “message” of your writing?
overall message of my stories is good always wins and love can overcome any
obstacle if you give it a chance.
Are your characters/stories/scenes, etc based
on anything in real life?
quite often find inspiration for the crime aspect of my books in news reports. I
don’t use the exact same event, but it will trigger an idea based on the
general scenario, e.g. espionage involving selling secret plans. Seeing Red was a result of my love for
the movie The Hunt for Red October. I wondered about the lives of those who are
left on shore when sailors go to sea, and the story grew from there.
Have you done anything writing-related, besides
actually writing your books, that seemed to get a lot of positive response?
Something that encouraged you?
I get great
support from my work colleagues and they threw me a little party (during one of
our breaks) when I launched my latest book. It turned into a short book talk
and discussion, and their genuine interest and comments are something I’ll
never forget. It was both humbling and inspiring to be honoured in such a way.
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